The Amber Clave Season 2 Episode 21
As the season concludes, the knot has to make some hard choices. GM: Megan Players: Aser as Korshen Lambro, Landan as Mako, and Shaunna as Jessamy Gray Music by Rob Anderson. Logo by Taylor Livingston. If you want to hear the latest news about the show and keep up with what’s going on in the world of Numenera, check us out on Twitter @amberclave or go to our website. You can now join us on the Redacted Files discord! Special thanks to our Agent+ patrons: Ben, Bernie, Chris, Denise, Eric, Fandible, John, Jonn, LordTentacle, Nyssa, Patrick, Slacker Initiative, Skie Borne Stories, Stuart, Terryann, and Tom. The Amber Clave is a member of The Redacted Files Podcast Network! Find more from us on our other shows:The Redacted Files – A multisystem Actual Play PodcastFirefly Podcast– a Firefly Actual Play PodcastGold Wings, Black Skies– a streamed Tachyon Squadron showDeniable Operations – a community content feed Direct Download!